If you’ve ever wondered what eye banking is all about, you’re in the right place. In this article, I’m highlighting some of my main takeaways after attending the Technician Education Seminar (TES) conducted by the Eye Bank Association of America. This comprehensive training provided a deep dive into the world of eye banking, giving me a newfound appreciation for the work that goes into restoring sight.
Here are my top takeaways from the experience:
1. Attention to Detail is Everything

I was amazed by the level of thoroughness required before recovering corneal tissue for donation. A donor’s medical history, travel history, serology testing, and even personal background must be carefully examined to ensure the tissue is safe for transplantation.
One phrase that stuck with me throughout the training was:
There are two things you can’t undo in donation—recovering from the wrong donor and transplanting tissue that shouldn’t have been transplanted.
For example, someone who has ever been diagnosed with Hepatitis B (even if it was a false positive) cannot be a donor. Similarly, those who lived in Europe during certain periods are also ineligible. Every detail matters, making accuracy in this process critical.
2. Compassion is Key When Speaking with Donor Families
One of the most emotional parts of the training was listening in on calls between eye bank staff and families of potential donors. These families are experiencing loss and grief, yet they must answer difficult questions about their loved one’s medical history and decide whether to proceed with tissue donation.
Hearing these conversations reinforced how important empathy and sensitivity are in this work. The ability to navigate these delicate discussions with care and respect makes a world of difference for grieving families.
3. Maintaining a Sterile Environment is Crucial
Eye bank technicians follow strict aseptic techniques to prevent contamination when recovering and processing tissue. During the training, our instructors gave a live demonstration of the scrubbing-in process and how they maintain a sterile field. It was eye-opening to see just how much precision and discipline go into ensuring the tissue remains safe for transplantation.
4. Tissue Processing and Preservation Directly Impact Patients
Seeing how corneal tissue is processed before surgery made me realize just how vital this step is. Every technique a technician uses affects how the surgeon receives the tissue—and ultimately, how successful the transplant will be.
It’s not just about following protocols; it’s about understanding the needs of the surgeons and the patients they serve. Strong communication between eye banks and surgeons ensures the best possible outcomes for those receiving the gift of sight.
5. A Simple Mnemonic to Remember Corneal Layers
One of our instructors shared a useful mnemonic to help us remember the five layers of corneal tissue:
Every Body Should Donate Eyes
- Every – Epithelium
- Body – Bowman’s Layer
- Should – Stroma
- Donate – Descemet’s Membrane
- Eyes – Endothelium
We also explored various corneal transplant procedures, learning the differences between them and the pros and cons of each procedure.
Perspectives from Other TES Attendees
I also spoke with two of my colleagues who attended TES last year. Here’s what they had to say:
Elizabeth shared:
“Attending TES gave me a deeper appreciation for eye banking and tissue donation. The level of care and effort that goes into ensuring high-quality tissue for patients is incredible. The real heroes are the donors and their families—we are simply the middlemen helping make their gift of sight possible.”
Salvatore reflected:
“TES opened my eyes to everything that happens behind the scenes before a transplant. It takes an entire team to improve just one patient’s vision. It also reminded me that every tissue donation represents a life lived and a person who is deeply missed by their family. We play a small but meaningful role in this larger process.”
Final Thoughts
Eye banking is so much more than just tissue recovery and transplantation – it’s about honoring donors, supporting grieving families, and restoring sight to those in need. Attending TES gave me a profound appreciation for the dedication and precision required in this field. If you ever have the chance to learn more about eye banking, the Vision Share staff highly recommends it. It’s a world of science, compassion, and life-changing impact.
This article was written by Melanie Howell, Marketing Manager at Vision Share. Elizabeth Grenier and Salvatore Moore, members of the Vision Share Ocular Client Services team also shared their insights in this article.
About Vision Share
Vision Share is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and proudly represents the world’s largest network of eye banks. Each member eye bank is Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) certified and registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Guided by a shared vision, Vision Share pools resources to provide surgeons with dependable, high-quality ocular tissue tailored to their specific needs. The Vision Share network has delivered over 138,000 corneas worldwide, transforming lives and restoring sight.